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United for a life without violence! Program for immigrant women in situations of domestic violence 787-772-9251, 787-281-6179, 787-528-6199 
Crowd with Masks

The Dominican Women's Center is a community-based, non-profit organization founded in 2003. The main purpose is to assist immigrant women from Puerto Rico, in the search for solutions to the problems they face in their daily lives. . The center currently offers services of:

  • Orientation

  • Social work

  • Emotional Support

  • Legal advocacy

  • Coordination OF Specialized Services

  • Legal advice

  • Educational workshops

These services are aimed at immigrant women who are victims / survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. There are alternatives for immigrant women who suffer domestic violence! The federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is one of them. This law is a resource for immigrant women victims of domestic violence and / or sexual assault who may be at risk of deportation.

Through VAWA Law you could obtain: employment permit, permission to live in the United States while processing your permanent residence. It is obtained without the help of your spouse. Children under the age of 21 also qualify for these rights. If you have a prior deportation order, it may be canceled.

Quienes somos CMD
Did you know that we serve all immigrant women?

The Dominican Women's Center bears her name because approximately 88% of the immigrant women we serve are Dominican, as this is the nationality with the largest number of immigrants on the island.

Our services

We assist immigrant women who are victims and survivors of violence in the search for solutions to the problems they face in their daily lives. We offer services of:

  • Orientation

  • Social work

  • Legal advocacy

  • Psychological services

  • Coordination of specialized services

  • Legal advice

  • Educational workshops

United for a life without violence! Program for immigrant women in situations of domestic violence 787-772-9251, 787-281-6179, 787-528-6199 
Types of Domestic Violence

Violence is not just hitting or sexual assault. There are many manifestations of violence to be aware of. If you find yourself in a situation of violence, there are ways to help you so that you can get out of it, you are not alone. 

  • Physical violence: The aggressor or aggressor uses fear and physical aggression, in order to paralyze his victim, generating bodily harm with blows, halons, shoves, cuts, either with their hands or with weapons or objects.  


  • Psychological / emotional violence: It is one whose main objective is to hurt and hurt the emotions of the other person, through humiliation, threats and insults. The aggressor's behavior can be erratic, unpredictable and / or contradictory. For example, you can claim that you never said something that the victim claims to have heard.  


  • Sexual violence: It refers to the fact of having any type of sexual contact in a forced or non-consensual way.  


  • Economic violence: It refers to the control and total domination of the financial. In these cases, the aggressor who causes this imbalance imposes financial restrictions, and may not even allow his partner to enjoy the benefit of his work.  


  • Social / environmental violence:  Bullies may try to isolate the victim, separating her from her family and friends. The abuse increases in intensity through forced economic dependency. These tactics are designed to control and limit the victim's environment, as well as their access to a social network, so that the abuser can control it. These forms of abuse also occur at the societal level, when the problem is not recognized or the victim is blamed.

Crowd with Masks
Support them with a donation

One of the most vulnerable populations to the COVID-19 pandemic is the immigrant community. Help us provide food and assistance in these difficult times.

Donations will support immigrant families who are excluded from state and federal aid because of their immigration status.

(787) 528-6199
Tipos de Violencia
Donar a CMD
Contacta a CMD

Contact us.

If you would like to contact us for information or support, United for a Life Without Violence! 



Social networks

  • Facebook
Ayuda Legal Pro Bono



We thank the probonist lawyers who have done their bit in our organization.


The Probonists Lawyers service provides assistance in cases of:

  • Protection orders:

    • Law for the prevention and intervention with domestic violence (Law 54)

  • Law for the safety, welfare and protection of minors (Law 246)

  • Civil matters that are related to the pattern of domestic violence

  • Declared jurisdictions

  • Divorces

  • Custody, affiliate relations and alimony

United for a life without violence! Program for immigrant women in situations of domestic violence
787-772-9251, 787-281-6179, 787-528-6199 
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